Funeral Music Information

Music at Funerals

On behalf of the Music Ministry at St. Anthony of Padua, we want to extend our deepest condolences to you and your family. To help ease the pain and burden, our ministry has provided you with the information necessary to plan the music for your loved one’s funeral. Please be assured of our community’s continued prayers for you, your family and friends, and your loved one.

Song Selections

To streamline the process for you, we have transitioned to collecting song choices online. If you have already contacted Pat Meyer in the Parish Office to schedule a funeral, please click the green button.

If you have not yet contacted Pat Meyer in the Parish Office, please stop here. You must contact Pat before selecting songs.

Please keep in mind that as is the case with all Eucharistic celebrations, music for liturgy must be sacred in nature. Because of this, the use of secular music during Mass regardless of the occasion is strictly forbidden by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Yes, I have contacted Pat Meyer, Sacramental Coordinator, to schedule my loved one's funeral liturgy. No, I have no contacted Pat Meyer, Sacramental Coordinator, to schedule my loved one's funeral liturgy.


When you schedule a funeral liturgy with the Funeral Coordinator, an organist/keyboardist and cantor (singer) will be assigned to the funeral liturgy. These musicians are professional members of our music staff. Our parish’s musicians hold degrees from some of the nation’s top music programs and have experience beyond church music performing with symphony orchestras, strip headliners, and touring Broadway companies. In some extreme cases, professional musicians from other diocesan parishes may be used at a funeral liturgy.

Due to the extra sanitizing that is happening now because of  COVID-19, and limiting the number of people in contact with our musical equipment, we are not able to accommodate ANY requests for outside musicians at this time. 

This policy has been implemented to ensure that attention to liturgy is strictly adhered to, and because, in our experience, loved ones are often overcome with grief while providing music at funerals.