Angel Tree Gift Drive

Christmas is coming! The St. Louise de Marillac Parish Outreach Committee and Respect Life Committee is again sponsoring an Angel Tree Drive for 2023. Our Angel Tree program includes 3 Angel Trees this Christmas Season! Donated gifts will benefit Catholic Charities of Las Vegas, Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, and the Women’s Resource Center of Southern Nevada – also known as our “Baby Tree” sponsored by the Respect Life Committee. Gift cards will benefit our parish families in need this season as well as for the upcoming year. Please, WE CANNOT ACCEPT BICYCLES.

Angel tags are available on each tree in the narthex at all masses. The main tree will also include little Christmas stockings/Angels for a suggested $20 or $25 gift card for parish families in need. We invite you to take your pick among the three trees! Please be sure to bring back your gift card stockings or unwrapped gifts ONLY at masses on December 9th and 10th.
Thank you for your generosity!