AUGUST 1 thru AUGUST 5 Church Closure

Just a friendly reminder that *FOR THIS WEEK ONLY,* there will only be a 9 AM Mass in the Banquet Room while maintenance to the floors and lights are done. As our parish hall building approaches eight years old, the lights have started burning out one by one, and the floor beneath the chairs needs to be buffed up.
This image gives a glimpse into what this space will one day look like once our actual church building is completed – someday in the future.
We thank you for your patience. Let us pray in thanksgiving for the blessings of what we currently have… let us pray, in anticipation, for a beautiful church to help us continue our mission… and let us pray for the safety of all those working with cherry lifts, scissor lifts, and floor machines helping us maintain a beautiful house of worship.
The 5:30 PM Mass and Adoration will resume NEXT week.