COVID-19 Update from Fr. Bob & Fr. Sabastian

Dear Parishioners,
Fr. Sabastian and I have been in isolation these past few days due to a possible COVID-19 exposure. Like thousands of others in our community, our results are still pending. We have been instructed to keep a low profile, and not leave the rectory to say Mass. Thankfully, the good Lord has provided faithful priests who have been able to still help us; however, due to their own pre-existing ailments, they have been advised by their doctors to either say Mass with very limited people for a live stream or privately from home. It is because of this situation Mass has been closed to the public, and will continue to be closed, until further notice. Please remember that Fr. Sebastian, Fr. Joe, Fr. Jim, Fr. Miguel, Fr. Daniel, and myself – with the help of Bill Freeman and Steve Borzage – are doing the best that we can to bring the Sacraments to you and maintain our parish community. Please keep all of these men in your prayers for their protection and continued perseverance in the face of an unprecedented pandemic. Together, through the unifying power of prayer, we will overcome Satan and all of his evil works.
Fr. Bob