Journey of Faith &  Adult Confirmation Class

Journey of Faith &  Adult Confirmation Class

The Faith Formation Department is organizing an eight week Catholic Study Class. Maybe you’re a cradle catholic and want to freshen up on your faith. Maybe you’re new to the faith and not sure about RCIA yet and just want to learn more.  You might be an Adult and needs to complete your sacraments of initiation and need to compete Confirmation. Who ever you are this class if for you!!   We will have exciting guest speakers for each class. Details coming soon.

To enroll for this class, please show up on February 13th or click here to register.

Journey of Faith Class is FOR EVERY ADULT

This class is made available for anyone who wants to know more and grow in their faith.  All parishioners are invited to participate.

Classes will begin on Wednesday, February 13 at 6:00pm – 8:00pm  in the Worship Center “Church”

February 13th—Profession of Faith

February 20th  – The Celebration of the Christian Mystery.

February 27th  – Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Types of Anointing

March 6th—No Class  Ash Wednesday please go to Mass

March 13th  – Precepts of the Church

March 27th  – Living Our Catholic Faith

April 5th—Retreat for already Confirmed Catholic—Fr. Tony

April 6th—Retreat for Confirmation Students only

April 10th  – Christian Prayer

Confirmation class for adults (over 18 and out of High School.) This is for Catholics who have received the Sacraments of  Baptism and Holy Eucharist, but have not been Confirmed.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation in which the  candidate is sealed with the gifts of the Holy  Spirit,   enters more deeply into the life of the Body of Christ, the Church. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, the confirmed are called to live more fully their Baptismal call to witness and share   Jesus’ mission of love with the world.  To be Confirmed, you must attend all  Classes.